Activity Day Ideas

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Orienting New Leaders

Orienting new leaders is key to insuring that our activity day programs continue to run smoothly.  The counselor over activity days  will want to insure that someone (typically the counselor herself or an experienced activity day leader or both) meets with each new leader to explain the activity day program to them and to fill them in on how your ward implements this program.   Having some one assigned to see that this orientation takes place with each newly called leader will help to insure that your ward will continue to have wonderful activity days now and in the future.  
Share your ideas on Orienting New Leaders!  Click on "comments" below.

1 comment:

  1. Good idea Marci! I was just released for Activity Days and I hope my replacement will love it as much as I did. I also pray I was able to help her feel my love for the program. However, all of us know that much of this calling requires experience and growth through the months and years. Aunt Ida
