Activity Day Ideas

Recognition Activity Ideas

Thanks to all of you for contributing such wonderful recognition ideas!  If you would like to add a new idea, please add a comment at the bottom of the page and your idea will be added as soon as possible.

The Faith in God book says, "At least twice a year, a Primary activity day (or a Cub Scout Pack meeting) should include opportunities for the children to share what they have learned and accomplished."   Activity groups have accomplished this in a variety of ways such as including just the girls, including the girls and their families, or including the girls and one parent such as for a daddy/daughter or mother/daughter activity.
  • My ward is planning a night to remember our ancestors.  Each girl will be asked in advance to plan a simple message about their ancestor with a picture we hope to have displayed on the overhead. --K.N.
  • If a Daddy/Daughter or Mother/Daughter night is held, it can fill the "Serving Others" requirement #7 in the Faith in God book.
  • Include the girls in planning your recognition night.  This is a great way to teach leadership. 
  •  Have a daddy-daughter game night.  Play lots of daddy-daughter games and relays.                                                                                                        
  • Hold a Mother-daughter talent show/recognition night.  
  • treat Parents to a baked potato bar and have the girls display the items they made in activity days.  
  • Have a recognition night in January where they not only invite acitivity day girls and their parents, but also the girls turning 8 that year and their parents so that they can learn about the activity day program. 
  • Hold a Daddy-daughter rocket derby.  Have the girls and dads make and shoot off paper rockets.   
  • Serve taco salad.
  • Have the girls stand up in activity day groups to relate the activities they have worked on in the past few months. 
  • Hold a family recognition night on a Sunday evening.   For the program, have each girl share a gospel-centered talent.  Between talents have the girls take turns reading a scripture or quote about talents and how important each person is to the Lord.  Have snowflakes as a theme to remind the girls that each person is different and each person is beautiful.  Include  tables displaying some of the girl’s Faith in God projects.
  • Have a mother/daughter recipe and taste testing party.  Invite each girl to choose a favorite food to make and share at the party.  Give each girl a book of the recipes. 
  • To recognize the girls, talk about all of the different things the girls have done at activity days this year.  As each activity is named, have the girls who attended raise their hand.  At the conclusion, have everyone clap to applaud the girls’ efforts. 
  • Pass out a new Faith in God booklet to each of the girls and go through it page by page so that the parents will have a firm understanding of the Faith in God program and the spiritual growth their girls are experiencing in activity days.
    • Hold an activity day birthday party to celebrate each girl’s spiritual birth to Heavenly Father as his spirit child.  For the activity, have each girl share “good news” about activity days such as describing a project she had done or telling what her favorite activity day had been.  Give each girl a gift prepared by her mother containing household objects.  Along with each gift, have each mother write a note telling how the object represents characteristics that makes her daughter a special child of God.   Have birthday cupcakes for dessert and give out party favors that represent the girls’ divine characteristics.
  • Have the girls keep a journal/scrapbook where they record the different activities they do.  Displayinf these notebooks at a recognition night is a great way to show the girls’ progress and recognize them for their efforts.